
Craig Gierzak saw an opportunity while boating with his friends. The anchors they were using were old, clunky, heavy, and barely did the job. So, together with a friend who owns a machine shop, Craig set off to invent an easy to use and effective alternative to the traditional claw anchor.

Pick the right color and the right size.

Select from our wide range of colors and sizes to ensure you have the right fit.

From the Swole Kong-L down to The George - XS, our sand anchors are designed to be the appropriate size for your watercraft.

The chart below will help you determine which Gorilla Jack'd® Sand Anchor is best for you.

Browse our Sand Anchors


 6ft The George (XS):
Specifically for jet ski and wave runner type crafts.
>15’ Primate (S):
For larger jet skis and boats up to 15’
15’-18’ Chunky Monkey (M):
For boats and pontoons between 15’ and 18’
< 18’ Swole Kong (L):
For boats and pontoons over 18’

Different Sizes and Colors